Wednesday 18 April 2018

The Chikamori Cemetery is a No-Go Zone.

One of the nasty aspects of being a celebrity is the fact that you are never left alone by the public. And the Chikamoris were celebrities just by the fact that they were the richest family in Riverview. Their wealth was the talk of the town and it was annoying. On top of that, there were people who were willing to slander the family just because. And that meant expenditure in order to clear their name of all the false accusations. And no one was immune from it, from the youngest family member to the oldest, so it was angering in may they had to spend money that would have been better spent elsewhere going to clearing their name of a false accusation. Sometimes you get a sympathetic judge, othertimes, the judge was jealous of you and decided to set a ruling against you regardless of the falseness of the accusation and well, then you have to go back in and spend more money suing the perpetrator of the accusation as well as getting the judge disbarred.

Yasunobu had a wish to grow a death-flower so he did. And it turned out nicely. Having planted the three blooms that he had, he ended up with three new deathflower plants. Deathflower plants only bloom once and die and unless you are a skilled gardener, you cannot revive them. Yasunobu had mastered gardening and well, he was very well able to achieve that accomplishment and get two blooms out of one plant.

Yasunobu decided that he needed to go to Aleister's and spend some time there. He also spent some time browsing the Internet while he was there as well.

...and Haruo decided to spend some time gardening.

The Watcher doesn't like trespassers on the private Chikamori cemetery. How shocking...

...and Vadim and Fatima Simovitch met their maker all within several seconds of each other. How touching.

Yes, this Watcher is a sadist.

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