Tuesday 24 April 2018

The Spooky Day Festival

It wasn't a very sunny day when Spooky Day rolled around. Rain was in the forecast and it frankly was pretty miserable in terms of the weather.

One of the main attractions at the Spooky Day Festival was the haunted house and it was the first thing that the teens headed over to see. Evidently Aidan got the you-know-what scared out of him and came out paler than a ghost. Can't remember if any of them peed themselves.

Of course, four of the group had to go and bob for apples, including Aidan who still looked like death warmed over from the fright that he had received while inside the haunted house.

It was a close contest, but in the end Aidan won. Hurray for a comeback after being scared out of one's wits.

Aidan had a close friendship with Alanna, but it was nothing more than friendship. After all, they were related...and well...inter-family relationships were completely verboten. Everyone had to get their own mate, down the road.

Of course, everyone was hungry and either headed home or got some food at the vendors.

Brianna got her face painted at the face-painting booth and Aidan got himself something to eat. He was the last to return home.

The parents and grandparents generally thought that the festival was for the benefit of the kids. And frankly, they had other things that they had to do. Let the kids enjoy themselves while they were young. At least they would have the ability to be able to do so while they had relatively few responsibilities.

After Yasunobu was done dealing with the greenhouse, he took them all out for a movie.

...and of course...dinner as it would be late once they got home.

...and it would be Monday morning the next morning...back to school for the kids in Riverview.

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