Sunday 1 April 2018

Welcome to Adulthood, Sandi (Now Go Get a Job!)

With two new rugrats around the house, it was noisy. When Simone and Jerad weren't screaming about getting fed they were screaming about diapers being changed. Haruo went off to deal with the chickens (he'd had his fill of diapers and screaming infants) so Cait (the mother) and River (the aunt) had to deal with the screaming toddlers. Luckily there was fishing and chickens nearby that needed tending so Haruo's poor ears were saved. Needless to say, River wasn't too impressed by Haruo's bailing on her. So much for relief. At least they weren't hers.

Sandi decided that she would go outside and fish from the bridge. Well...that was until she ended up deciding that since she was now a fully-functional young adult, that she would go get herself a job...and make a decent living.

Toshiyuki enjoyed creating...and thus inventing was quite the fun task, except when he lit himself on fire and burned himself to a crisp...(resetSim and showers work great on continuing said story-line). Needless to say, being singed wasn't a fun experience, but inventing things and seeing the ideas come to fruition were quite fun.

Yasunobu enjoyed spending time with his grand-nephew, Jerad. Masatoshi was Funioki's boy and the fact that he had married Caitlin McIrish (River's step-sister - I've posted the family-tree's a complicated, mixed family tree).

...and like clockwork, Toshiyuki set himself on fire again. Never fails.

River headed out to sell some paintings. With a §24,000 bill coming twice a week (Think §48,000, give or take per week) she needed to make sure that the money kept coming in so that their principal balance of wealth would keep steadily increasing. After all, every little bit helps.

Yasunobu being the ever-indulgent grandpa even got to the point where he was helping toilet-train Simone and Jerad. Watcher Help his nasal passages because Aye Carumba, he would have thought that the two were conducting bio-warfare with the stink that emanated.

Haruo after corralling chickens grabbed a bite to eat which coincided with his wife wanting to eat too so they were able to sit down and enjoy a meal together for once.

Evidently the day's lessons had worn out the rugrats and Simone and Jerad were out like lights.

...and well...the Watcher, while the Chikamori household slept, decided to play cosmic dodgeball with Yuri Ivanov for not paying his child-support.


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